Cancer Lesson #23: Ready. Set. Wait.

Cancer Lesson #23: Ready. Set. Wait.

Cleared my schedule.
Pushed everything back.
This engine’s going to switch its track.

Done the laundry.
Packed the clothes.
Grocery shopped, and pruned the rose.

Finished my book.
The draft is rough.
But for now, that’s good enough.

Stacks of books
At end of the bed
Have grown quite tall; want to be read.

Wrote the thank yous.
Made the calls.
Nothing left to do at all
But wait.

Cancer Lesson #22: The waiting is the hardest part.

Cancer Lesson #22: The waiting is the hardest part.

The time between a cancer diagnosis and treatment is not unlike the final months of a woman’s first pregnancy. In both cases, you have no real idea what’s in store, but you know it will be challenging. And, just as no one can tell you what your labor will be like, neither can anyone can predict how you’ll handle surgery, chemo and/or radiation.

In the end, you just want to get on with it, reasoning that the sooner you begin, the sooner it will all be over.

Tom Petty’s “The Waiting Is the Hardest Part” played almost constantly in the back of my mind in the weeks leading up to my surgery, making it the second song in my “Cancer Soundtrack.